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arcMS 1.2.0


  • In Shiny app: added option (checkbox) to overwrite or not the files already converted and present in target folder

arcMS 1.2.0


  • sample_dataset object creation with on-disk method (not loading Parquet data in memory)
  • Added vignette with full tutorial on how to open, filter and aggregate data from Parquet file (e.g. to obtain chromatograms or spectra)
  • Added vignette to show how to query data from a distant Parquet file

arcMS 1.1.0


  • Compatibility with waters_connect UNIFI
  • Adding vignette to describe how to configure the API and register client app

arcMS 1.0.0


  • Shiny app for easy use
  • No need for connection parameters in each function (looking for existing object in the environment)

arcMS 0.3.0


  • Creation of sample_infos class to store both sample metadata and spectrum metadata.
  • Creation of sample_dataset class to store all data and metadata.

arcMS 0.2.0


  • simplified arguments for collect and convert functions (only sample_id needed, other parameters needed - analysis name, sample name - are taken from an API request).
  • adding a separate function to get sample information (get_sample_infos) and save as samplemetadata. Two metadata (samplemetadata and spectrummetadata) with different schemas/number of lines columns. For parquet: a metadata json file containing the samplemetadata and spectrummetadata. For HDF5: two separate datasets in the file.

arcMS 0.1.0

  • Initial github upload.