Bug fix: regenerating connection when lost during two conversions (getting new token)
arcMS 1.2.1
In Shiny app: added option (checkbox) to overwrite or not the files already converted and present in target folder
arcMS 1.2.0
sample_dataset object creation with on-disk method (not loading Parquet data in memory)
Added vignette with full tutorial on how to open, filter and aggregate data from Parquet file (e.g. to obtain chromatograms or spectra)
Added vignette to show how to query data from a distant Parquet file
arcMS 1.1.0
Compatibility with waters_connect UNIFI
Adding vignette to describe how to configure the API and register client app
arcMS 1.0.0
Shiny app for easy use
No need for connection parameters in each function (looking for existing object in the environment)
arcMS 0.3.0
Creation of sample_infos class to store both sample metadata and spectrum metadata.
Creation of sample_dataset class to store all data and metadata.
arcMS 0.2.0
simplified arguments for collect and convert functions (only sample_id needed, other parameters needed - analysis name, sample name - are taken from an API request).
adding a separate function to get sample information (get_sample_infos) and save as samplemetadata. Two metadata (samplemetadata and spectrummetadata) with different schemas/number of lines columns. For parquet: a metadata json file containing the samplemetadata and spectrummetadata. For HDF5: two separate datasets in the file.